Aashalok Neuro Psychiatric Clinic
: Dr. Alok Ranjan
: Nehru Nagar, Road No-2, House No-47A, Patliputra Colony, Patna -800013,
: Dr. Alok Ranjan
: Nehru Nagar, Road No-2, House No-47A, Patliputra Colony, Patna -800013,
Dr. Alok Ranjan opened a clinic in Patna that provides all kind of neurology services. He organised with all cutting-edge technologies in order to offer the greatest neurosurgeries with a focus on the entire service. The Clinic's major objective was to provide neurological care that was up to standard. We offer the community top-notch medical treatment as part of our specialist services in order to be a facility and the care provider of first choice.Patients with psychological problems frequently aren't aware that their physical symptoms have a psychological cause.A qualified mental health practitioner performs a rigorous history-taking process at our facility before arriving at a diagnosis, which is then adequately supported by a range of psychological testing. From there, we always create a personalised treatment plan.
14 Feb 2015Sir